The Mandalorian: Chapter 2: The Child (AKA Baby Yoda) & Chapter 3: The Sin

The second episode of the Mandalorian is named The Child. With the highly-prized child in tow (in a floating pram), our hero defeats other bounty hunters who are nowhere near as good as him (but of course), but he does get hurt. When they stop for the night, the Child attempts to draw near and heal him, but unaware of its potential, he places it back into its buoyant cradle.

As he makes his way back to the Razor Crest, he is enraged to see that it has been stripped for parts by the Jawas. After a fruitless attempt to board their sand crawler, he goes back to where he had started his pursuit of the child. The character who had pointed him towards the Child is Kuiil the Ugnaught , voiced by Nick Nolte. 

Now this character is nobility unmatched. He once again helps out the Mandalorian by negotiating with the Jawas. They are tough customers for such small people, and want the egg of a Mudhorn to trade the parts of the Razor Crest. Having no other choice if he wants to get off the planet, our titular character draws out the Mudhorn from its cave but is almost impaled by it, if it were not for the timely intervention by the Child.

Being well-informed viewers who have seen Yoda the Senior in action, it comes as no surprise to us that the Child is gifted with the Force, and the sheer power it brings with it. However, in-universe, the Force has become obscure and passed into legend, so much so that even one as well-traveled as the Mandalorian is taken aback by such a demonstration of unbelievable ability.

Disney/Lou Mongello

With the Jawas satisfied and gorging on the Mudhorn egg, they return the parts. Kuiil and the Mandalorian repair the Razor Crest and he sets off to claim his bounty. 

The third episode, titled The Sin, delves into the Mandalorian way. After delivering the child to the ex-Imperial client, our hero receives his substantial bounty of beskar steel and meets up with the rest of his clan, who are affronted by the fact that he has carried out a job for imperialists. Their leader, the Armorer, calm things down and forges him an excellent armor with most the steel that he has brought, the rest going towards the care of Mandalorian foundlings. The montage of the forging of beskar steel into an armor looks as cool as it sounds, and is intercut with flashbacks to when the Mandalorian was a child himself.

Which is why he cannot let the Child slip from his mind. Even for us viewers, it is impossible not to appreciate the cuteness of the child. Apparently, Werner Herzog was moved to tears by it, too.

He returns to the imperial stronghold and fights his way out with the Child, including some great close quarters fighting. He gets to use the Chekhov’s gun (the 'whistling birds' forged by the Armorer earlier in the episode). The rest of the guild of bounty hunters proves an almost insurmountable hurdle in leaving the city, but his fellow Mandalorians come out of hiding and help him escape. When he is seen off by the last of them wearing a jet pack, he foreshadows himself getting one of those. This is the way (that good series set up events to look forward to). 

...just hopefully not in 2020

Let's fly with the Mandalorian and the Child to the next chapter, Sanctuary!

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler