Disney Plus Hotstar New Version Update | Hits & Misses | Aradhye Axat

Misses first - because I want them fixed, as we say at www.Instahyre.com

  1. Who's Watching is copied directly from Amazon Prime Video...

  2. Watch Next stays active even after I navigate upwards from it. It comes on the end screen, but hangs around half-hidden at the bottom of the end screen and does not get deactivated. NOT GOOD. To make matters worse, it persists even when I press Watch Credits!

  3. I don't want the preview to start playing. This feature is copied from Netflix, I guess, and it is super annoying. I want to choose to play it. Like sometimes I don't wanna disturb Princess Adwitya Axat, y'know? In fact it keeps playing even after I press Back to Home Page. And stays in the background while the Home Page plays catch up.

    PF = Pulp Fiction, although I generally use it to denote Pink Floyd.

  4. The left to right flashing blue streak does nothing except kill time.

  5. The loading blue circle serves the same purpose as the streak - it gives the illusion that something is happening through movement.

  6. If I scroll the Home Page too fast, the thumbnails are too slow to load.

  7. I do like the progress bar / line on the Pause screen, but I should be able to resume Play by pressing the OK button just once, not twice.

Okay so I will stop here and say good job catching up to the other OTTs, but seriously iron out these issues, especially the dumb preview playing.

Talking about the hits - it is a good thought that they show some text if the small thumbnail does not show or takes a little while to load - often!

Updated user interface and Home Page are cool and all but nothing new.

That's all from me, Axat, tonight! Thank you for reading/watching my YouTube!

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler