Digital Design

I have this hunger, this yearning

Deep inside

But I’m just too easy going

I let it slide

Putting verses together bit by bit

On my screen at night

Dimly lit

I used to scribble feverishly

Line by line

But now it's all touchscreens

Digital design

the birth of my baby daughter's got creative juices flowing again in my brain instead of thoughts going down the drain and adding to the pain of never living up to my potential because i was too deferential to people who stood in my way but hey every day is a new day and every night is a different night waiting for the light of the sun to rise hoping lil baby girl never cries but it is inevitable that sometimes we wake up from a dream ready to scream that -

I have this hunger, this yearning

Deep inside

But I’m just too easy going

I let it slide

Putting verses together bit by bit

On my screen at night

Dimly lit

I used to scribble feverishly

Line by line

But now it's all touchscreens

Digital design

I’m the writer rapping verses they can’t emulate

I’m the thinker dropping curses that will educate

I’m the cursor tripping words you can’t speculate

I’m the leader leaping fences that will decimate

My name is ax I spit fire in my tracks

Lemme show you what your basic mind lacks

Sit down and bask in the glory of my verses

I ain’t like those dumb duds all they do is drop curses

Dropping curses into their verses

Like candy from old ladies’ purses

That’s why I dig the Speed Man

He keeps it as clean as he can

Better to have precision f strikes

Instead of cruising for fb likes

Peppering swears in all you make

Using words just for shock’s sake

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler