What If...? Episode 5 - How to Survive the Zombiecalypse & Save Earth

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The episode is way outta whack. A quantum virus sets the whole thing off, and Bruce Banner arrives in NY on the Bifrost from Thanos' ship to find that to hell with Thanos half-dead plan, Earth is already undead!

The cape of Doctor Strange, Spider-Man AKA Peter Parker and The Wasp save him from zombified Avengers, Strange Zombie, Violent Wong and Children of Thanos - who were already pretty close to being zombies.

This episode is as full of cliches and MCU callbacks as it is full of hungry zombies. Most of the characters have not appeared in any of the earlier What If episodes, and zombification gives many of them great cameos.

So let's go through the roll call of the MCU characters who get bit:

The one & only "I-love-you-3k" Tony Stark - also known as Iron Man.

Doctor Sorcerer Supreme Strange & faithful companion Benedict Wong.

As I said, already pretty, pretty zombified Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw.

Janet van Dyne, patient zero, who begins the chain reaction by biting Doctor Hank Pym AKA OG Ant-Man, who appeared in the Loki episode.

Ant-Man 2 AKA Scott Lang AKA dad-joke-cracking Paul Rudd, Cap America, Hawkeye, Black Widow (check out my Recap via Rap by clicking the link in the description below, and also, don't forget to smash that subscribe button for lots more awesomax fun with me, AA!).

The group that begins the escape-to-zombie-hordes-to-find-the-cure cliche has Spider-Man, The Wasp, Happy Hogan, Kurt the Baba Yaga guy, Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier, Sharon Carter, and Oko-yay!!!

They run into (and get bit by) Hawkeye and The Falcon AKA the New Captain America with upgraded Wakandan armor, who Bucky burns with a zinger about how he should be sad that he's dead, but he's not.

Then Bucky slashes Captain Zombie into two with his shield and says another great callback - "Sorry, pal, I guess this is the end of the line."

They meet and greet the zero-meat Vision and meat-hungry Zombie Wanda. Vision gives them the Mind Stone and Wanda and Hulk fight.

Finally, Black Panther AKA Chadwick Boseman RIP - that reminds me, 8 September is also Avicii's birthday, so RIP to him as well. Anyway, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Ant-Man's head make it to Wakanda with the Vision's Mind Stone to try and save Earth. Can we get inspired by this comic cartoon and try to do whatever little bit we can do to reduce the harm we cause to our precious little blue-green planet the pale blue dot?

You know, if we can all just appreciate our privilege and take teeny-weeny steps to be a little more eco-conscious, it can add up to a lot.

Very small things, for example, turn off lights and fans in empty spaces, try and buy local & seasonal fruits and vegetables, and when you visit the mountains, try not to leave any trash lying around. That trash you leave, thinking someone else will pick it up, or that it will decompose, is actually going to pollute the place for hundreds of years. Think about it.

At the end is a glamor shot of a zombified but 5-Infinity-Stoned Thanos. This means he's gonna go to Wakanda & try to capture the Mind Stone.

How would you feel about a zombie Infinity War and Endgame series? Will it be overkill or does it have the potential to be awesomax? Drop your comments & thanks for watching (and reading for so long), please make sure you tap Subscribe on YouTube and Follow me on Scrollstack!

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler