Chapter 2 - The Mines of Mandalore

Darth vader r2d2 fennec shand imperial fighter pilot bo katan kryze ig-11 elite dark stormtrooper the armorer mando in red?

Fireworks , pod race, and a colosseum style arena - familiar scenes in 1st scene

Peli motto has gotta work boonta eve

Mando flies into the garage she operates, Grogu literally flies into peli motto’s arms

So N-1 is the name of our star fighter - empathy with the heroes - imagination

Finally, title - the mines of mandalore - reads like mangalore - autocorrect also

So mando was raised on Concordia and has never been to the holey beskar mines

R4 - D5 falls off the scope map and mando has to go in after him because Grogu is quite concerned about its state

Straight away, the dark sabre is called into action to kill a few mine dwelling mooks

After getting R2-D5 back to the N-1, Mando and Grogu go into a place deep and dark - I rapped a couple of verses along similar lines - I love spirals - and ON!

Woah! It’s like frodo’s capture by shelob!

It’s a very nice sequence. The big spider is operated by a humanoid droid. It disarms mando, but Grogu manages to get close enough to try and free mando. He fails, but he leaps like a lurmen on to his pod. Now he’s gotta go get bo Kazan kryze!

Light stage let’s Lucas film create great sense of scale, depth, and detail. V nice / Noice - shout out to both borat and jake P

Bo katan cuts down the aliens like mando and says, your dad isn’t the only mando

She gets the upper hand over the alien spider driver even though it leverages electricity, like Adwitya’s alter ego super identity, Vidyuta, does to defeat crime

I almost predicted that the alien would survive being impaled by the dark sabre

Bo katan guides mando and Grogu to the entrance of the mines of mandalore… it remains to be seen if she has ulterior motives, which I’m pretty sure she does

She was at the living waters when she was a child - harken back to pink Floyd C N…

My dad was a proud man too, he died defending India against overseas terrorism

And lo and behold, he is risen from the depths by bo katan, who witnesses the mythosaur, and may now be a believer ! Thnx for reading!

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler