Ahsoka Part 2 - Toil & Trouble

You can read the previous chapter for my thoughts about Episode One.

So after a [quite unnecessary but just as a means to up the stakes a bit] cliffhanger at the end of Episode 1 - Master & Apprentice, like M & A as I wrote in my review we catch up with Ahsoka, Huyang, and Sabine Wren.

M & A also reminds me of Metallica's S & M - it has Nothing Else Matters AND Wherever I May Roam, two of a few of my favorite songs/things, a la The Beatles.

Suspension of disbelief is paramount if you want to delve into Star Wars.

See, another sorta-lazy naming of a planet: Seatos= Sea + tossing waves.

Here Comes the - not Sun, you Beatles fans - name of E2: Toil & Trouble.

Click that link for a few nuggets of trivia about this [quite famous] song.

Wiki-walking was something I used to do early in my corporate career.

Huayang gets one cliched thing spot-on: "The past is the past. Move on."

Doesn't mean doing nothing about the past, it means deciding that your future needs to go in a certain direction, because life is unpredictable.

We could drop dead at any moment, but our actions will remain behind. Like Dad's before me, who's immortalized at the National War Memorial.

After Ahsoka sorta-kinda defeats a double-red lightsaber wielder, she says something I have never been able to forget since I heard it first:


Also, it's MANDALORIAN TIME! Sabine Wren faces her helmet, like Iron Man before her, or Hamlet holding aloft Yorick's skull, or an Indian God.

Oh, also before Ahsoka was Obi-Wan Kenobi, starring Ewan McGregor, who rode Long Way Round, Long Way Down, and Long Way Up on Apple.

So that's it for this Ahsoka Episode 2 Review, see you next Wednesday! :)

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Aradhye Axat

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler