Secret Invasion E4 Beloved

Previously, as you can read in the previous chapters of this serial review of Marvel Secret Invasion, Nick Fury's wife was revealed to be a Skrull.

Gravik has plans for Super Skrulls using DNA Crisping, and G'iah is shot by him. Fury's wife makes a withdrawal of a gun from a safe deposit box.

Fury, the inimitable Samuel L Jackson, is persona non grata. Spy series.

G'iah took Extremis before she ran. Here come the trippy cerdits. Yay!

Flashback time. Paris, 2012. It shows through Raymond Carver's poetry, how Fury and his future wife met. I guess they laid on the Paris thickly.

Back to the future, Colonel Rhodes AKA War Machine AKA Don Cheadle meets Priscilla, and it doesn't seem like it's the real War Machine, at all.

Fury is listening in, though. Spy stuff! He finally knows his wife's origin.

They part ways amicably after shooting and missing at one another lol.

As I said, Rhodey is a Skrull. Fury gets her/him to drink a liquid locator.

POTUS Dermot Mulroney arrives in the UK. Here come the fireworks!

As the smoke clears, Fury evacuates POTUS while Gravik kills Talos.

Finally some big action, and now there will be more mind games. Yes!

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Aradhye Axat

Author: A Life Afloat | YouTuber | Content Creator @ Instahyre | Marveler | Traveler